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About Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass

Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass is an agency in San Francisco. Claim this profile. On The Lawyer Guide Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Property development, real estate projects

Environmental management, environmental concerns

Copyright, patent, trademark, intellectual property, license, piracy, counterfeiting

HR, HSE, labor disputes, termination, dismissal, downsizing, salary negotiations, collective bargaining, salary settlement, management, suspension, discussion meeting, Working Environment Act, compensation, redress, lawsuit

Settlement of claims, complaints, claims for damages, litigation

Mergers, demergers, acquisitions, transactions, share issues, business transfers

GDPR, surveillance, data security, ID theft

Business development, start-up, reporting, business management, company guidance

Murder, rape, assault, sexual offenses, violence, receiving stolen goods, corruption, money laundering, threats, theft, robbery, tax fraud, victim compensation, vandalism, terrorism, defense attorney, assistant attorney, police interrogation, drugs, drunk driving, fraud, family violence, incest, neglect, abuse

Insolvency, estate administration, bankruptcy estate, cessation of operations

Construction and engineering, property transactions, building disputes, construction contracts, construction projects

Inheritance settlements, wills, estate administration, probate, prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, power of attorney, joint property, guardianship

Digitalization, networking, marketing, telephony, social media

Relationship breakdown, support systems, school, education, child custody, parental dispute

Infrastructure, natural areas, fishing quotas, hunting

Value-added tax, tax reporting, tax rights, tax control, excise duties

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